I am Felicia A. Garrett, M.A., LPC, NCC
My Story
I am on a mission to save the everyday “superwoman”. My passion is helping women take off the cape. As a former “superwoman”, I understands the feeling of being overwhelmed with the expectations of others and the pressure to perform. Are you carrying the weight of being the “strong” person? Is your “I’m Okay” mask becoming cracked and too heavy to put on? Are you feeling overwhelmed with the expectations of others and the pressure to perform? Are you tried of not being a priority in your own life? Are you facing some transitions that are challenging you beyond your capacity?
I like to take an eclectic, holistic approach to therapy incorporating a variety of theoretical approaches and Christian counseling principles, depending on your individual needs and preferences. My experience working with individuals, couples and groups from diverse backgrounds makes her the ideal person to deal with a variety of concerns. I specialize in helping people through life transitions, relationship growth challenges, and understanding how to incorporate self-care into everyday life.
You have the power to make any change you desire, I have the ability to help you when you are ready. I can help you create an authentic relationship with yourself that will improve the quality of your relationships with others; develop healthy boundaries; and emotional management. I believe that therapy is a unique, personal process of growth and healing for each individual. It is my mission to provide a safe and nurturing space where we can work through this process together. Each person is different and I will meet each you where you are in the process. I incorporate different approaches, including Christian counseling principles, depending on client preference and needs.